Producing black teas of consistent high quality is fundamental to what we do at Eastern Produce Kenya. Not only does this reflect market demand but also our values as a company. Quality has been achieved over the years by retaining good people in the business who have applied sustainable production and harvesting techniques, ensuring employees are well treated and long-term capital investment. The table of certifications below is a reflection of our achievements.
Rainforest Alliance
All our estates and factories have socio-environmental management systems and processes covering ecosystem conservation, wildlife protection, fair treatment and good working conditions for our employees, integrated waste management and good community relations.
ISO 22000
All of our factories have established Food Safety Management systems to handle tea from the field through to dispatch ensuring the product is fit for human consumption. Systems are in place to ensure the tea can be traced from garden to warehouse.
FAIRTRADE (Siret and Kibwari are Certified Processors and Exporters)
We guarantee that our suppliers do not use child or slave labor, employees are paid a fair living wage, employment opportunities are available to all employees and everyone has an opportunity for advancement. Healthy working and living conditions are provided for employees and we are open to public accountability. We also assure environmentally sustainable production and harvest practices, encouraging a stable market and a healthy Earth.
Ethical Tea Partnership (ETP)
As an ETP participant, we operate a business that is socially just and environmentally sustainable.